Heart & hearth Fertility + Abundance rite:

  • Jar with dried motherwort (symbolizing fertility and the heart) + Rose petals (symbolizing love, beauty and attraction)

  • Green pillar candle (symbolizing fertility, growth, and the heart chakra)

  • Rose quartz (associated with love and the heart)

  • A small bowl of spring water (symbolizing purity and life)

  • A journal and pen

  • A small piece of paper

  • Green ribbon

  • Invocations 

  • A comfortable, quiet space where you won't be disturbed

  • A fertility charm or token (optional)


  1. Choose a time when you feel calm and focused, ideally during or around (3 days before, 3 days after or directly on) a new moon, as this phase is traditionally associated with fertility, new beginnings, and planting seeds. Choosing the right time of the week is helpful too, Thursday (associated with Jupiter, abundance, increase, wealth) or Friday (associated with Venus, beauty, attraction, love, fertility). 

  2. Set up your space by arranging the materials in front of you. The bowl of spring water should be within reach.

  3. Take a moment to write down your specific intentions and desires whether it be for fertility and conception, attracting love, attracting more wealth, protection of your heart or home, etc…. in your journal. Be clear and positive in your wording.


  • Grounding and Centering: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, connecting to the heart of the earth, you can imagine this as a rose quartz crystal and the roots wrapping around it, grounding you and connecting you to the earth's nurturing + loving energy.

  • Calling upon the Elements: Light the green candle, symbolizing the element of fire. Sprinkle a little of the rose petals + motherwort mixture (not all of it) around the candle for the element of earth. Hold the bowl of spring water to invoke the element of water, and take a deep breath, calling upon the element of air.

  • Invocation

 Say your invocation holding your rose quartz and jar in hand- “Motherwort, herb of the heart, I call upon your ancient art. Bless me with your fertile grace, Help new life find its place.”

Feel free to adjust the invocation to be more specific to your desires

  • Journal Entry: Open your journal and write a detailed description of your desired outcome as if it has already happened. 

  • Visualization and Affirmation: Close your eyes and visualize a vibrant, green light surrounding you, filling you with the energies of growth and fertility. Imagine this light flowing into your womb (or your partner's womb), nurturing and preparing it for conception, or expanding your body's capacity to feel joy, receive abundance, etc.. Repeat the following affirmation three times, either out loud or in your mind:

I am abundant, I am strong, My body welcomes new life to come along. With love and light, I open the door, To the gift of life, forevermore.

Feel free to adjust this affirmation to be more specific to your desires

  • Write Your Intention: Write your intention on a piece of paper, Fold the paper and tie it with the green ribbon. Hold it close to your heart and infuse it with your sincere wishes and energy.

  • Offerings and Blessings: Sprinkle a few rose petals + motherwort (not all of it) into the bowl of spring water, then dip your fingers into the water and lightly sprinkle it around your body, symbolizing the blessing of new life, abundance, etc. Hold the rose quartz in your hands, letting its loving energy amplify your intention.

  • Manifestation Meditation: Sit quietly with your intention paper and green ribbon in your hands. Visualize your intention manifesting in your life. Feel the joy, love, and fulfillment as if it has already come to fruition.

  • Closing: Thank the elements and the spirit of motherwort + rose for their presence and assistance. Extinguish the candle, keeping the rose quartz and any remaining rose petals + motherwort as a token of the rite. Keep the intention paper, herbs and stone in a special place, such as on your altar, to continue drawing the energy of fertility into your life.

  • After the Rite: Maintain a positive and open mindset, believing that your intention is on its way to manifesting. Return to your journal regularly to reinforce your intentions and document any signs of progress. Every time you pass your altar or wherever you chose to place your ceremonial items, feel as if your desire is manifest.